It's not all fun, food and games in Melbourne, there's culture too!.
Despite heavy demand for berths, Vickie scored passage for five on the Titanic Artefact Exhibition at the Melbourne Museum. We were each issued with a White Star Line boarding pass indicating an actual passenger on that fated cruise, and were tasked with following the fate of our respective identities. Kim's doppleganger, The Countess of Rothe, survived, unlike David and I who honourably gave up seats on the lifeboats and went to our watery fates.
All that chivalry is exhausting and we were soon ensconced in groovy Cutler & Co. slaking our thirsts, followed rapidly by crawling to another bar further down hipster central Gertrude Street.
It must end soon.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Melbourne meanderings & munching
Brunch, nibbles, elevenses......., call it what you want, there are far too many meal options on the mean streets of Melbourne. A late family lunch at Residential on Lygon, brunch at Birdman Eating in Fitzroy and supper at Cookie's Thai all in the space of 24 hours meant shanks' pony was our preferred mode of transport. If you're not careful, you could get fat!. By week's end, Alicia and Bill's respective schedules will ensure we have visited every culinary hot spot Melbourne can offer.
Melbourne's weather has been all it's meant to be, with this shiny morning ozone-laden after last night's downpour. Despite this inclemency, wandering along Lygon Street to buy The Age is surprisingly more enjoyable than venturing into a frosty Canberra morning in search of the Canberra Times. Anything is preferable to the rehashed mediocrity that is morning commercial television (ABC24 is not provided!). I almost bought the Herald Sun, however their love affair with Collingwood shows no sign of abating.
Melbourne's weather has been all it's meant to be, with this shiny morning ozone-laden after last night's downpour. Despite this inclemency, wandering along Lygon Street to buy The Age is surprisingly more enjoyable than venturing into a frosty Canberra morning in search of the Canberra Times. Anything is preferable to the rehashed mediocrity that is morning commercial television (ABC24 is not provided!). I almost bought the Herald Sun, however their love affair with Collingwood shows no sign of abating.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Marvellous Melbourne and musicians
What do you call someone who hangs around musicians? A drummer!, according to cousin David (a percussionist himself). Whatever the reason, everywhere we went we couldn't get away from these groupies.
Initial contact was made at the Narooma Blues Festival (aka something else this year), so it wasn't surprising. Legendary Aussie rocker Lonnie Lee was supported by his Leemen who included Dave's mate Leon Issacson. Two days later we were trawling Melbourne's hipster central Gertrude Street, Fitzroy and came across Lucky Luscombe, drummer with RocKwiz Orkestraband. As our female accompanists (sic) purchased clothes we sat patiently and uttered approving commentary.
To be continued (and expanded upon)....
Initial contact was made at the Narooma Blues Festival (aka something else this year), so it wasn't surprising. Legendary Aussie rocker Lonnie Lee was supported by his Leemen who included Dave's mate Leon Issacson. Two days later we were trawling Melbourne's hipster central Gertrude Street, Fitzroy and came across Lucky Luscombe, drummer with RocKwiz Orkestraband. As our female accompanists (sic) purchased clothes we sat patiently and uttered approving commentary.
To be continued (and expanded upon)....
Thursday, June 17, 2010
A Different Kitchen
Dust!.........????????. Where does it come from?
14mm of precipitation has settled the airborne particles generated by the itinerant stone mason. No!. That's not right, itinerants are not named Damian. Besides he is wearing his firm's logo. Yes, we are renovating our kitchen once again. This time for real.
The faithful Kelvinator has taken up residence on the back deck underneath the bathroom window, and despite its' labouring has produced a son's delight - frozen coke. The carrots have also frozen along with the lettuce. Luckily it is early winter and a cold laundry keeps comestibles at edible levels sans refrigeration. Who would think a laundry could satisfy three foodies for such a saga.
Examining drawer hardware over coffee in January does not prepare you for six weeks living out of a laundry. Stress-free they promised - all you have to do is decide what finish to install - burnt orange (for a retro look) or ferric oxide ( for the new millenium). And of course make those periodic payments.
What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to renovate.
14mm of precipitation has settled the airborne particles generated by the itinerant stone mason. No!. That's not right, itinerants are not named Damian. Besides he is wearing his firm's logo. Yes, we are renovating our kitchen once again. This time for real.
The faithful Kelvinator has taken up residence on the back deck underneath the bathroom window, and despite its' labouring has produced a son's delight - frozen coke. The carrots have also frozen along with the lettuce. Luckily it is early winter and a cold laundry keeps comestibles at edible levels sans refrigeration. Who would think a laundry could satisfy three foodies for such a saga.
Examining drawer hardware over coffee in January does not prepare you for six weeks living out of a laundry. Stress-free they promised - all you have to do is decide what finish to install - burnt orange (for a retro look) or ferric oxide ( for the new millenium). And of course make those periodic payments.
What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to renovate.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
April come she will
April come she will.......
3rd April 1989 - James Alexander Twohill was born and...21 years later Saturday, 3rd April 2010 it is Easter Saturday and it's his 21st birthday....and the party looms. OMG, what were we thinking!
60, 70, 80 friends....... any more invited?? Time: 6.30 pm for a barbecue - James frets Will anyone turn up on time??. We doubted it - they'd probably arrive at 7.30 pm if we were lucky. But no - the first guests arrived at 6.20 pm!! We cannot believe it - they're actually early. This is unheard of - they must be hungry. Sizzling sausages are soon being appreciated (God, I love alliteration).
7.00pm and Katie is surrounded by 14 males - she twitters "Anyone out there with a vagina??" James hits the iPod "We got a right....... to Parrrrrrrrrtyyyyyyyyy".
7.15 pm - females arrive! Katy states "Oh, thank god, someone else with a vagina!!!! (Who enjoys a monologue?)". Males agree en mass. Things got a little blurry after that.
By now there are about 60 people - are we able to control the mosh pit???? (next to the Rheem Stellar tardis)?? It's a bit of a worry - there's a multitude of people on chairs, on deck, in the family room and behind the lattice. You've got a space - we'll fill it.
Once again Morrisey got it right Kill the DJ! A series of squonks, surges and beats fails to convince the crowd. The Boiler Room it's not! Thankfully someone cranks up the iPod. It's remarkable what you can get out of somebody's else's device!. In this case mine ~ all those hours of loading pirated sounds under James' direction has paid off.
It is Easter, so......loaves and fishes. Tasty food abounds and appreciative mouths concur. The food multiplies and is devoured. Who can resist a cob loaf filled with Penny's special spinach dip?.
Skatey guys in kitchen display their tatts: Vans(?) logo (in full), Tall tales are told of the initial 1966 conquering of Mount Kosciusko. We raved on and on....
Drunken dissertations on vinyl ~ Lou Reed's contributions ~ bemused acceptance by hapless victim ~ who says modern youth have no manners? Thomas Phoebe Bashford loomed. What comestible can I provide you with, kind host? Despite being full to the gills I ominously requested something involving avocado. Sometime later I was presented with two slices of mother's choice abutted with spread and spices. Cayenne anyone? He was drunk you know....still it was a very kind gesture.
John, you look so good in that apron. "Yes" said John "I've cooked many a fine meal wearing this apron". Nodding heads - he had cooked 80 sausages tonight. So, is it time to take it off - definitely! So, the apron was shucked and relegated to the pantry cupboard until the next culinary experience.
Did we survive? - well, yes - amazingly. The Police (No! Sting was not invited!) did turn up. However they realised it was a very respectable household so they forgave us. A running, drunken brawl in the cul-de-sac is not de rigeur but has become part of the legend that has been assigned to James' 21st.
Sunday morning: butts, bottle tops and deflated balloons. A multitude of bottles - what were they drinking?? Tequila, Bourbon, Rum, some strange concoctions including home-brew. And what's this hiding in the aspidistra?........ why it's an empty magnum of Passion Pop!!!!!.
No party without Pop!
PS Debris accounted for, the apron resurrected, aparagus blanched to perfection and adorned with Kim's special sauce (Thomy mayonnaise, lemon juice and Maille dijon adjusted to taste), we feasted on marinated lamb backstraps accompanied by fine wine under the spreading umbrella and revelled in another fine performance on Easter Monday - we deserved it!
3rd April 1989 - James Alexander Twohill was born and...21 years later Saturday, 3rd April 2010 it is Easter Saturday and it's his 21st birthday....and the party looms. OMG, what were we thinking!
60, 70, 80 friends....... any more invited?? Time: 6.30 pm for a barbecue - James frets Will anyone turn up on time??. We doubted it - they'd probably arrive at 7.30 pm if we were lucky. But no - the first guests arrived at 6.20 pm!! We cannot believe it - they're actually early. This is unheard of - they must be hungry. Sizzling sausages are soon being appreciated (God, I love alliteration).
7.00pm and Katie is surrounded by 14 males - she twitters "Anyone out there with a vagina??" James hits the iPod "We got a right....... to Parrrrrrrrrtyyyyyyyyy".
7.15 pm - females arrive! Katy states "Oh, thank god, someone else with a vagina!!!! (Who enjoys a monologue?)". Males agree en mass. Things got a little blurry after that.
By now there are about 60 people - are we able to control the mosh pit???? (next to the Rheem Stellar tardis)?? It's a bit of a worry - there's a multitude of people on chairs, on deck, in the family room and behind the lattice. You've got a space - we'll fill it.
Once again Morrisey got it right Kill the DJ! A series of squonks, surges and beats fails to convince the crowd. The Boiler Room it's not! Thankfully someone cranks up the iPod. It's remarkable what you can get out of somebody's else's device!. In this case mine ~ all those hours of loading pirated sounds under James' direction has paid off.
It is Easter, so......loaves and fishes. Tasty food abounds and appreciative mouths concur. The food multiplies and is devoured. Who can resist a cob loaf filled with Penny's special spinach dip?.
Skatey guys in kitchen display their tatts: Vans(?) logo (in full), Tall tales are told of the initial 1966 conquering of Mount Kosciusko. We raved on and on....
Drunken dissertations on vinyl ~ Lou Reed's contributions ~ bemused acceptance by hapless victim ~ who says modern youth have no manners? Thomas Phoebe Bashford loomed. What comestible can I provide you with, kind host? Despite being full to the gills I ominously requested something involving avocado. Sometime later I was presented with two slices of mother's choice abutted with spread and spices. Cayenne anyone? He was drunk you know....still it was a very kind gesture.
John, you look so good in that apron. "Yes" said John "I've cooked many a fine meal wearing this apron". Nodding heads - he had cooked 80 sausages tonight. So, is it time to take it off - definitely! So, the apron was shucked and relegated to the pantry cupboard until the next culinary experience.
Did we survive? - well, yes - amazingly. The Police (No! Sting was not invited!) did turn up. However they realised it was a very respectable household so they forgave us. A running, drunken brawl in the cul-de-sac is not de rigeur but has become part of the legend that has been assigned to James' 21st.
Sunday morning: butts, bottle tops and deflated balloons. A multitude of bottles - what were they drinking?? Tequila, Bourbon, Rum, some strange concoctions including home-brew. And what's this hiding in the aspidistra?........ why it's an empty magnum of Passion Pop!!!!!.
No party without Pop!
PS Debris accounted for, the apron resurrected, aparagus blanched to perfection and adorned with Kim's special sauce (Thomy mayonnaise, lemon juice and Maille dijon adjusted to taste), we feasted on marinated lamb backstraps accompanied by fine wine under the spreading umbrella and revelled in another fine performance on Easter Monday - we deserved it!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Bouillebaise and bluebottles
Bluebottles, bluebottles, bluebottles!
Not a beach day, unless you want to get stung. Robyn and I are therefore threatening to produce the greatest bouillabaisse ever made.
Not a beach day, unless you want to get stung. Robyn and I are therefore threatening to produce the greatest bouillabaisse ever made.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Breaking bread at Church Point
Given enough money, I could live in Sydney. The only problem being which coastal space to inhabit?. On the beach at Bondi among the artistes and glitterati, perched above the trees at Tamarama surrounded by supermodels and students, or tethered by leg rope to the buffalo grass swathes of the northern Peninsula.
A leisurely loll of a week's duration in Sydney will do that to you. Like the persistent beach sand that refuses to be dislodged from your flanks, the idea of living by the sea becomes a distinct possibility when normality recedes.
Our latest outing reinforced this musing. To celebrate Wendy's birthday, it was suggested we head to Church Point for a seafood lunch over water. We parked amongst the cars of Scotland Island residents, who had earlier embarked from the tiny commuter ferries, and found a table under canvas. Large platters of freshly cooked flathead fillets and newspaper cones of hot chips soon arrived and almost rendered the table (five females and I), silent. Almost.
This is the life!. Reality can take a running jump off the nearest pier.
A leisurely loll of a week's duration in Sydney will do that to you. Like the persistent beach sand that refuses to be dislodged from your flanks, the idea of living by the sea becomes a distinct possibility when normality recedes.
Our latest outing reinforced this musing. To celebrate Wendy's birthday, it was suggested we head to Church Point for a seafood lunch over water. We parked amongst the cars of Scotland Island residents, who had earlier embarked from the tiny commuter ferries, and found a table under canvas. Large platters of freshly cooked flathead fillets and newspaper cones of hot chips soon arrived and almost rendered the table (five females and I), silent. Almost.
This is the life!. Reality can take a running jump off the nearest pier.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Over the Coathanger
Sydney traffic remains horrendous. Bring on matter transference.
Although it was Sunday, it still took over an hour to drive from Bungan to the eastern suburbs. Alicia had received an invitation to a party being held at Tamarama, and being good parents, and in a holiday mood, we agreed to her request. Unfortunately Sydney's 5 million also decided it would be a good day to take out their 4WD' s. Result: bumper-to-bumper along Military Road all the way to the Harbour Bridge.
The party was being held at Laura's house, a typical tumble-down student dig, located at the eastern end of Birrell Street. Broken cane furniture and a home-wrought depiction of Bowie's Alladin Sane cover greeted our entrance. Alicia had promised us a fantastic view as long as we did not venture too far i.e meet other party-goers. It was worth it ~ glistening Tamarama beach was visible through a canopy of frangipani and fig trees giving us the impression we were standing in a tree house looking out to sea.
Bondi was but a headland away and bustling. Tourists wearing aussie clobber mingled with sun-bronzed surfie chicks toting triple-thruster short boards. The Gelato Bar was dispensing matso ball soup to an appreciative clientel as we made our way along Campbell Parade towards Dave's 30's apartment block Sunray. Dave's CRV was home but he wasn't ~ probably down at Thai Terrific tucking into an early prawn laksa. Mustn't grumble. A drink seems in order and the location of a convenient parking spot soon saw us sitting in the front bar of the Beach Road Hotel. No chance of getting a seat, let alone a drink in the packed back beer garden. The big screen sported a sign announcing the men's final was starting at 7.30 and the pub was staying open until 12.30.
Brushing off a persistent bar-fly, we made our way back to the car for the trip back to Bungan. By-passing Bondi Junction, we drove passed Gelignite Jack Murray's garage and Royal Sydney Golf Course towards Rose Bay and the tollways home.
Although it was Sunday, it still took over an hour to drive from Bungan to the eastern suburbs. Alicia had received an invitation to a party being held at Tamarama, and being good parents, and in a holiday mood, we agreed to her request. Unfortunately Sydney's 5 million also decided it would be a good day to take out their 4WD' s. Result: bumper-to-bumper along Military Road all the way to the Harbour Bridge.
The party was being held at Laura's house, a typical tumble-down student dig, located at the eastern end of Birrell Street. Broken cane furniture and a home-wrought depiction of Bowie's Alladin Sane cover greeted our entrance. Alicia had promised us a fantastic view as long as we did not venture too far i.e meet other party-goers. It was worth it ~ glistening Tamarama beach was visible through a canopy of frangipani and fig trees giving us the impression we were standing in a tree house looking out to sea.
Bondi was but a headland away and bustling. Tourists wearing aussie clobber mingled with sun-bronzed surfie chicks toting triple-thruster short boards. The Gelato Bar was dispensing matso ball soup to an appreciative clientel as we made our way along Campbell Parade towards Dave's 30's apartment block Sunray. Dave's CRV was home but he wasn't ~ probably down at Thai Terrific tucking into an early prawn laksa. Mustn't grumble. A drink seems in order and the location of a convenient parking spot soon saw us sitting in the front bar of the Beach Road Hotel. No chance of getting a seat, let alone a drink in the packed back beer garden. The big screen sported a sign announcing the men's final was starting at 7.30 and the pub was staying open until 12.30.
Brushing off a persistent bar-fly, we made our way back to the car for the trip back to Bungan. By-passing Bondi Junction, we drove passed Gelignite Jack Murray's garage and Royal Sydney Golf Course towards Rose Bay and the tollways home.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Snug at Bungan
The theme from Endless Summer is blasting from the iPod and John McG is starting his second novel. How does he do it?. Maybe he reads while barbequing and washing up. I must make any effort to finish at least one book before returning ~ a cover to cover reading of the SMH doesn't count.
I promise to remove my sunglasses once the Peninsula sunshine stops reflecting off the hard surfaces ~ all that chrome and white!. It's enough to make you weep.
The surf is calling my name and I believe a post-Weet Bix plunge is called for. Now, if the theory is correct I shouldn't drown: I have waited the compulsory 30 minutes since eating and the surf looks inviting. Besides, the local surf club has six young clubbies on hand to ensure my safety and none resemble Tony Abbott. I strip down to the budgie smugglers and race into the foaming water. Magic!.
We have settled into 5B Karloo Crescent to celebrate Marge's 90th and the pantry is groaning from Benham clan contributions. I suppose we can take home anything that is not consumed. Still, there does seem to be a lot of comestibles for a week. Kim and Wendy's tic-tacking has worked and there is minimal duplication ~ you can't have too much ash-crusted goat's cheese in my opinion.
I promise to remove my sunglasses once the Peninsula sunshine stops reflecting off the hard surfaces ~ all that chrome and white!. It's enough to make you weep.
The surf is calling my name and I believe a post-Weet Bix plunge is called for. Now, if the theory is correct I shouldn't drown: I have waited the compulsory 30 minutes since eating and the surf looks inviting. Besides, the local surf club has six young clubbies on hand to ensure my safety and none resemble Tony Abbott. I strip down to the budgie smugglers and race into the foaming water. Magic!.
We have settled into 5B Karloo Crescent to celebrate Marge's 90th and the pantry is groaning from Benham clan contributions. I suppose we can take home anything that is not consumed. Still, there does seem to be a lot of comestibles for a week. Kim and Wendy's tic-tacking has worked and there is minimal duplication ~ you can't have too much ash-crusted goat's cheese in my opinion.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Australia Day 2010
We've breakfasted, barbied and toasted and it's not even 12.30. Must be January 26th. Unfortunately the original plans for today have fallen over and we won't be celebrating Vickie and David's 25th Anniversary at Honeysuckle Creek. Moonwalking is, however, still an option.
Hope every one has a great one and that your Hot 100 selection greets the judge.
Hope every one has a great one and that your Hot 100 selection greets the judge.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Fast Forward ~ 2010
Dateline: Sunday, 24th January 2010 ~ Duffy
The Peninsula beckons. A gathering of the Benham clan will be spending late January/early February at Bungan near Newport. Accompanied by sundry daughters, the odd spouse and rampaging offspring, Marge Benham will be celebrating her 90th birthday in style at the beach.
To ensure maximum efficiency Kim's list of holiday essentials has been created and checked twice. Dukkah - check, teapot - check, .......... etc. Grandchildren will be sourced from near and afar - Castle Hill, Baulkham Hills, Fitzroy North and Plymouth (UK) to complete the caravan.
I can already smell the citronella candles. We will keep you posted.
The Peninsula beckons. A gathering of the Benham clan will be spending late January/early February at Bungan near Newport. Accompanied by sundry daughters, the odd spouse and rampaging offspring, Marge Benham will be celebrating her 90th birthday in style at the beach.
To ensure maximum efficiency Kim's list of holiday essentials has been created and checked twice. Dukkah - check, teapot - check, .......... etc. Grandchildren will be sourced from near and afar - Castle Hill, Baulkham Hills, Fitzroy North and Plymouth (UK) to complete the caravan.
I can already smell the citronella candles. We will keep you posted.
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