Sunday, January 31, 2010

Over the Coathanger

Sydney traffic remains horrendous. Bring on matter transference.

Although it was Sunday, it still took over an hour to drive from Bungan to the eastern suburbs. Alicia had received an invitation to a party being held at Tamarama, and being good parents, and in a holiday mood, we agreed to her request. Unfortunately Sydney's 5 million also decided it would be a good day to take out their 4WD' s. Result: bumper-to-bumper along Military Road all the way to the Harbour Bridge.

The party was being held at Laura's house, a typical tumble-down student dig, located at the eastern end of Birrell Street. Broken cane furniture and a home-wrought depiction of Bowie's Alladin Sane cover greeted our entrance. Alicia had promised us a fantastic view as long as we did not venture too far i.e meet other party-goers. It was worth it ~ glistening Tamarama beach was visible through a canopy of frangipani and fig trees giving us the impression we were standing in a tree house looking out to sea.

Bondi was but a headland away and bustling. Tourists wearing aussie clobber mingled with sun-bronzed surfie chicks toting triple-thruster short boards. The Gelato Bar was dispensing matso ball soup to an appreciative clientel as we made our way along Campbell Parade towards Dave's 30's apartment block Sunray. Dave's CRV was home but he wasn't ~ probably down at Thai Terrific tucking into an early prawn laksa. Mustn't grumble. A drink seems in order and the location of a convenient parking spot soon saw us sitting in the front bar of the Beach Road Hotel. No chance of getting a seat, let alone a drink in the packed back beer garden. The big screen sported a sign announcing the men's final was starting at 7.30 and the pub was staying open until 12.30.

Brushing off a persistent bar-fly, we made our way back to the car for the trip back to Bungan. By-passing Bondi Junction, we drove passed Gelignite Jack Murray's garage and Royal Sydney Golf Course towards Rose Bay and the tollways home.

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