Tuesday, July 17, 2012

An early morning stroll

Is it my time clock, or the incessant hours of sunshine? Whatever, my time abed has been minimal - I think I have had more quality shut eye dozing in front of the transmission of Le Tour than under Le doona! This explains why I was pounding the pavement at some ungodly hour while Kim remained asleep. As long as she gets an early morning cuppa de the (or two!), I am free to do some unencumbered streetwalking (or is that Rue roaming?) around Le Marais.

Up Rue de Turbigo past sleepy-eyed labourers and beggars, along Avenue de la Republic's broken footpaths guarded by heavily armoured soldiers in khaki and Council de Paris maintenance staff in non-fluro overalls, and down a side street to where the hell am I???. It is no use asking anyone for directions as my driving hours spent listening to "Teach Yourself French in One Day" has proved worthless beyond seeking directions for le rue principal, to which a respondee would reply "Which one?. No matter, my innate sense of direction will safely guide me back to the bosom of my family, I hope.

Ah!, Rue de Temple, that sounds familiar. Two women sharing a small dog (Does you doggy bite?), have entered the warmly lit Le Square brasserie on the corner of Le Square. Right! Here we go "Je suis Australian, and I am lost". Andre, for that is his name, laughs and replies "In Paris?, zat is impossible!". Could you please tell me how to get to Le Arts et Metiers?, I ask, in an outrageous Aussie accent. "Of course" replies Andre, "It is 500 metres au droite". No probs!!! We discuss intricate cricket rulings (true!) and his lack of passion for Le Tour ~ "My parents made me watch all my childhood" while I consumed a cafe au lait and he served the ladies with un croissant chocolat. I believe chocolate is anathema to dogs but little Sid Vicious did not seem perturbed to be fed such poison.

"Com bien pour Le cafe?" I enquired. €1.60 Andre replied, because you are standing at the bar, it is cheaper than sitting down. Directions and a further insight into cafe culture, zat makes my stroll so worthwhile!

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