Monday, August 6, 2012

Cortona Festivali

The August heat haze has obscured our hilltop view of the Tuscan countryside, and a long line of vehicles has obscured our chances of parking near an entrance to Citta Di Cortona. Italians are enjoying their summer break Feria d'Agosto, and have arrived like invading hordes to attend the final night of the initial Cortona Mix Festival. Chris directed me with great care as we parallel-parked the Peugeot 3008 at the end of a long line of vehicles disgorging visitors. Hopefully, the automatic hand brake will hold, for a closer encounter with the stone "base medioevali" does not bear thinking about.

The Mix Music Festival promises a multinational smorgasbord of performers and cultural gems, and has been our option since about lunchtime. The primo alternate was the 35th staging of Sagra Del Cinghiale (Festival of the Wild Boar) where boar prosciutto, ragu and biftecca would be on offer. A Serat Danzante (night of dancing) was also promised. A languid lunch, followed by a bottle of limoncello, meant we would not make the commencement time of 7.30 and so opted for the Mix. As it turned out we would have had difficulty making the closing.

Entering la Citta via Porta Colonia, we walked up Via Dardano towards the festival's lights and sounds, that could just be heard over the rumbling of our stomachs. Agreeing more food was a good option, we turned down Vicolo Mancini towards Ristorante L.B.D.O. La cuchina of La Bottega dell'Oste was still cooking and the outdoor tables were vacant. Rowanne explained our plight and we were soon examining the menu. Three pastas and two bistecca for primi secondi (no primi piatti), with accompanying vegetables "contorni" plus acquas naturale and frizzante. A spirited discussion of a past book club selection appeared to puzzle the young American couple at the adjacent table, but we were past caring, for even a whispered conversation would have reverberated in those patinaed walls. Ominously, the Festival had gone quiet ~ had we left our run too late?.

Satisfied, we walked towards Piazza Signorelli where the enthusiastic reception of a presumably popular artist could be heard. Taking up a position just beyond a braid be-decked comando compagnia of the carbineri, we had a great view of the stage where multi-levels of musicians were performing. A young guitar-strumming male sang as the multi cultural ensemble took directions from two conductors. Sporting papal headwear, a flute-weaving director cavorted like Jethro Tull. We almost expected him to stand on one leg. The other, clad in white Arabic robes, enthusiastically urged the creation of a mosh pit but to no avail. A full woodwind section, supported by brass, timpani, more guitarists and a percussionist with bodhran played a selection of pieces guaranteed to please the holidaying invaders. An interesting final composition incorporating Dick Dale's Miserlou accompanied us as we made our way back towards the car and the road home.

Limoni and pistaccio ices from Gelatoria Snoopy sweetened our departure.

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