Wednesday, August 22, 2018


Look aqueducts! Bloody Romans, What have they ever done for us?  Our belated Lufthansa flight dipped its' wings as we eased our way over the second largest city in la belle France.  Despite the clear blue sky I'm sure I saw another shimmering star signifying a second Fifa victory.

If you were to believe the Pom's Brexit coverage, President Macron's government is a shambles and the entire EU is about to crumble without the plucky Brits.  Its a pity no one has told the French and their evil continental allies the Germans. They survive, nay revel, in their flourishing good health and perfect climate. 

It does appear the floundering English currency has had an effect, as there is a noticeable absence of lager lads and lasses in the Irish pubs that throng the quayside of Marseille's Vieux Port.  However hoards of Belgians, Dutch, Spaniards, the Irish and the odd sprinkling of Antipodeans mix freely with the multicultural stew that comprise the French.  I did notice one obviously English couple watching Match of the Day morosely over a couple of pints, but it would appear France is doing very nicely without their Channel chums.

Marseille is fantastique, shimmering and harmoniously multicultural; and shockingly not stocked with gypsies, tramps and thieves intent on slitting the traveller's purse. Happy hour runs from 15.00 to 22.00 and un glass of rose and un shot of Pastis will set you back €6 (A$10). Pints are often less than €5.  I noted this morning our exchange rate has improved despite Malcolm and his shambles.  Honestly, we leave Canberra for a few days and the place falls apart!  The only time Australia gets a mention in Europe is sad references to the damage done to the Barrier Reef.

Two days is not enough time to pay proper homage to Marseille, and despite my raison d'etre for our visit, Boulliabase by the bucket, I didn't scratch that culinary itch!  Moules, huites, succulent swordfish in a white wine sauce and calimari in its' myriad of guises have graced my alimentary canal, but not Boulliabase. What an excuse for another visit!

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