Friday, October 2, 2009


Early start today - Shane arrived at 8.30am for our trip to Granada and the Alhambra Palace. We passed through Santa Fe (It sounds romantic, but its a horrible little place, said Shane), and saw the offer of Euro 49 for a room at the Holiday Inn located in Granada's motor alley.

Entering a road tunnel we passed along a lane marked Alhambra. Up a slope we headed until we were high bove Granada; a thin shroud of smoke lay over the landscape below. 4 tickets and audio guides were purchased and we set off down Secerao - the cypress walk. Windows had been incised into the foliage leading to views of the structured gardens. We continued towards the Palace of Charles V. The Italian-influenced facades gave way to the circular renaissance-era courtyard that possesses magnificent acoustic properties. Doric columns and ionic pilastres abounded.

After leaving the Palace we passed though the Puerta del Vino (the colour, not the grape) and explored the Alcazaba via Plaza de los Aljibes. Fabulous views to the surrounding hills and clinging suburbs could be seen from terraces and the three towers.


  1. French experiences will be reported as soon as we find a reliable source of wifi.

    Expect mucho blogging.

