Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Valbonne bound - Part Deux

Even the appeal of Vieux Valbonne could not restrain us and soon we were strolling Cannes' Rue d'Antibes, home to high priced, blue chip boutiques such as Chanel, Hermes, Dior etc. Two minature poodles imperiously ignored us from their vantage point in a pram piloted by their expensively shod mistress.

From there we walked past a street market offering crafts and dubious drawings to Boulevard De La Croisette where sitting and strolling are an occupation. Private beaches, accessed for 15 euro, offered deck chairs and Dubonnet and relief from the hoi polloi. The public beach was dotted with potted palm trees and bamboo and the pitiful Mediterranean swell scarcely troubled the gritty sand.

All manner of folk perambulated along the pavement adjoining Plage de la Croisette hoping to see someone noticeable and hoping to be noticed. Impossible tans contrasted with pastel shades and assorted bling. Far too much mutton dressed as lamb for Australian tastes, and most of the outfits would not be seen even at Noooosa in high season. Observing the populace is made easier by the provision of blue metal chairs liberally sprinkled along the beach wall for just such a purpose.

The magnificent frontage of the Carlton Hotel was obscured by a garish facade promoting a new animated film - a media festival of sorts was opening on Monday. My somewhat cynical attitude to Cannes was summed up in Time Out that quoted a local resident: This, right here, Henri emphatically tapped the zinc-topped bar of his neighbourhood cafe, This is the real Cannes. Not that, he gestures in the direction of far-off Croisette, That?, That is Disneyland!.

We hailed a taxi and indicated Valbonne as our preferred destination. Zat is handee, said the driver, My mistress in Valbonne is expecting me. Oh!, O!, we simultaneously thought, Boy are we going to get stung!. Our thought were emphasisied by his chatty manner and the number of slowly taken shortcuts. However, Valbonne is some way out of Cannes and the traffic was heavy - the result about 35 euros. Not too bad.

.........more to come.

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