Thursday, October 22, 2009

St Raphael

Tuesday 6 October

Sitting at an outside table was your quintessential middle-aged Frenchman, either on vacation or independently wealthy. He had all the accoutrements of modern life - the mobile phone, Ipod, sunglasses, cravat and big cigar. A copy of today's Paris Match was opened next to his first expresso of the day, sunglasses perched above reading. His brown leather jacket rode up at his elbow as he perused the real estate page headed Portes Ouventes. Cigar smoke wafted up to our fenetre.

Valbonne's resident eccentric was still wearing the first outfit of the day. It was most subdued when compared with yesterday's garb of multi-coloured turban, white pantaloons and vivid top below his white Van Dyke beard. He was sitting in our local shooting the breeze with his compardres.

We caught the 10.30 am bus service to Le Gare Cannes for 1 Euro - the bargain of the year. Our airconditioned bus wound through the 'burbs where even the bus stops sounded romantic. Les Levines was followed by Sant Basile, L'Orangedie and Vieux Village. Arret Demande, the next stop sign illuminated, and arret demande we did, alighting at Gare de Cannes.

Tren No 881168 for St Raphael left precisely at 12.38 and we travelled along the sparkling Mediterranean to le gare where we met Robyn. Took a table at Le Poussin Bleu and gazed out across the brilliant sea to St Tropez - Salade Nicoise x 4. After lunch Kim and I took a stroll along the seaside in search of un glace. I can't believe that they have the temerity to call one of their privee beaches Sandy Plage! Other than that, St Raphael is very pleasant in the off season.

Back to Cannes via le tren past more sparkling sea and Cap Roux. Following aperitifs at Vieux Village and observances of a game of boule we headed home to Valbonne.

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