Thursday, October 8, 2009

Mooching in Madrid

Jesus dropped us off near Sol and we found a 7 Euro all you can eat buffet nearby. As Kim's suitcase had had a major wardrobe malfunction we went searching for a replacement. Eschewing the expensive one, we headed upstairs near to Sol Metro Station. While trying out the luggage, I noticed we had been joined by a Chinese gentleman and his Australian wife. It was Tetsyu. the award winning chef from Adelaide. They were purchasing a suitcase to transport several kilos of Spanish cheese he had purchased at a five day Cheese Festival. He appeared interested to hear of our exploits at El Borges Raisin Festival.

My latest culinary exploit, spaghetti con chorizo was consumed at home. Although our Madrid apartment was small, the gas fired stove top did the dish proud. Kim and I decided to take a stroll before retiring; the best laid plans of mice and men......

12.13 am - if only I could transmit the sound of late night Madrid - the shutters coming down, the waiting taxis, the departing bar flys, the next door neighbour through the thin walls. We had headed up Calles Ancora to Bar Barridos. Two Rosada and Cerveza on top of our previous consumption resulted in us being maggoted in Madrid. Another round and we were harmonizing to Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds with our fellow customers. Dos Americanos con lecci - mine host attempted to understand two blind Aussies - thank god for Juan (good name that) who spoke English and translated. Over the sound of the futbol we karaoked to Los Beatles, left a tip of 4 euros and weaved our way home.

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